Don’t miss out on new funding
opportunities for your clients
Keep your clients up to date with automated grant alerts
We’ll match new grants to your client’s business to save you time
Keep clients up to date with new grants opportunities and upcoming grant deadlines
Add value to clients from as little as £1 per client per month
How does it work?
Match their funding needs
Tell us their region, sector, company type and funding purposes and we’ll match their funding needs in real-time against our database of over 3,000 Grants.
Automatically track funding opportunities
When a Grant matching their funding needs is added to our database or is closing soon, they’ll receive an email alert.
Generate grant service leads
Each grant alert comes with a full range of grant services to generate more leads for your business
Save time
Don’t waste time searching for new funding opportunities for your client’s business. Our grants alert email is sent directly to your client whenever grants matching their funding needs are added to our database or whenever a matching grant is due to close.
Don’t let clients miss out
Our team of grant experts hand-curate new grants from around the UK on a daily basis. We align all grants to our key business growth funding purposes to give you better coverage and more relevant results.
Value for money
From as little as £1 per client per month, you can easily send grant alerts to multiple clients, allowing you to scale your service and keep clients informed at a low cost.
Start by choosing a grants credit package below
Use grant credits to get bulk purchase discounts on grant alerts emails.
Grant Credits
@£25 per Grant Report or Grant Email
Credits expire after 1 month
Can be used to purchase Grant Reports or Grants Alert Emails
Share credits within your company
White label your Grant Reports for your clients
Grant Credits
@£20 per Grant Report or Grant Email
Credits expire after 3 months
Can be used to purchase Grant Reports or Grants Alert Emails
Share credits within your company
White label your Grant Reports for your clients
Grant Credits
@£10 per Grant Report or Grant Email
Credits expire after 3 months
Can be used to purchase Grant Reports or Grants Alert Emails
Share credits within your company
White label your Grant Reports for your clients
Request a Demo or Callback or start by telling us about your Business Objectives.