Grant Finding Service

Let us find the right grants
for your business

Get a tailored grant report specific to your funding needs


We’ll find new grants for your business to save you time


The grants are chosen to specifically match your project funding needs


If there are no grants available to match your criteria then it’s free

How does it work?

Defining your Grant Needs

We speak with you to get a clear understanding of the specifics of your project and the types of grants you are looking to apply for.

Creating your Custom Grants Report

We build your custom Grants Report from our comprehensive database, cross-referencing multiple sources to include the best grants for your project.

Reviewing your Grant Report

We review the Grants Report with you to ensure it meets your needs and provide additional services so you can take full advantage of grants in your business.

Save Time

Don’t waste time searching for new grant funding opportunities for your business. Our Grant Finding Service takes the hassle out of searching, filtering, comparing and choosing the best grants for your business.

Save Time
Matched Funding

Match funding to your growth needs

We match UK business grants and funding schemes to your business growth funding needs, so you can get more relevant results and better coverage.

Value for Money

The Grant Finding Service gives you a manually vetted and cross-referenced custom Grants Report specifically tailored to your funding needs for just £100.

Affiliate Link

Contact us today and find the right grant for your business.

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