New Grants Added This Week – 18th August 2024 to 25th August 2024

New Grants Added This Week – 18th August 2024 to 25th August 2024

There were 59 new schemes added last week with a total amount available of £1,592,603.

The amounts available range from £3,000 to £500,000.

Money is available for the following funding purposes: Buildings and Renovation, Business Growth, Business Innovation, Energy Efficiency, Overseas Markets Development, Purchasing Equipment, Recruit and Develop Staff and Starting a Business.

Money is available for the following business types: Large Business, Medium Business, Micro Business, Research Organisation, Small Business and Start-ups.

Top 10 Funding Opportunities:

FAST TRACK 2024: Call for Ongoing EIT RawMaterials Projects

This Call is providing additional funding to ongoing EIT RawMaterials projects that fall within two focus areas: supporting the development of Go-To-Market strategies for projects that, at the time of selection, were not allocated funding for Go-To-Market work packages and supporting accelerated product/service launch to market recently completed or ongoing Upscaling and Lifelong Learning projects where additional funding is required to launch or there is a need for a commercialisation partner.

IPCEI Med4Cure: Re-Industrialisation of Europe Flagship Call 2025

This Flagship Call aims to support the deployment of innovative healthcare products and production processes for pharmaceuticals. Proposed solutions can be in the areas of digital tools, personalised medicine, and green manufacturing.

Precision Neurotechnologies

This scheme aims to fund R&D creators that are developing a suite of next-generation precision neurotechnologies to enable circuit-level access to the central nervous system, with cell type specificity and across distributed macro- and micro-brain circuits.

NEPHELE 2nd Open Call

SMEs and Mid-caps can apply for funding to support projects that will develop and deploy a distributed application for the computing continuum or projects that will develop, integrate and evaluate an intelligent orchestration mechanism for the NEPHELE Synergetic Meta-Orchestrator.

Scottish EDGE – Creative EDGE – Round 24

This competition aims to support innovative, high-growth potential start-ups and early-trading firms. Creative EDGE Targets businesses in creative sectors including, but not limited to, advertising, architecture, performing arts, visual arts, craft, fashion, games, radio and tv and cultural education.

Invention for Innovation – FAST Funding – Call 4

The scheme is looking to support projects that will answer a specific question, fund a single piece of activity or fill a specific evidence gap across all technology readiness levels. i4i FAST Call 4 will support the development of innovative healthcare technologies for acquired brain injury (ABI), including the prevention, diagnosis and management of ABI as well as recovery from ABI.

Deep Tech Incubator (September 2024)

The Incubator is targeting start-ups developing an innovative product, technology, or process in the areas of physical science, material science, data science, artificial intelligence, advanced engineering, advanced manufacturing, and robotics.

Women TechEU – Call 2

Women-led early-stage start-ups can apply for grant funding as well as access to a business development programme to help accelerate the development, growth and sustainability of their business. The scheme will prioritise businesses that contribute to green, digital and social transitions in line with European objectives.

NEB Co-Create Funding Available for Communities and Local Authorities to Reshape Public Space

This Call aims to co-create and build sustainable, beautiful and inclusive public space and demonstrate new solutions to boost the transformation of cities and peri-urban and rural areas.

ESA Business Incubation Centre UK (September 2024)

This incubation centre is providing UK start-ups with the technical expertise and facilities, business support, networking, office space and funding needed to overcome innovation challenges and accelerate business growth.