New Grants Added This Week – 23rd June 2024 to 30th June 2024

New Grants Added This Week – 23rd June 2024 to 30th June 2024

There were 75 new schemes added last week with a total amount available of £11,376,000.

The amounts available range from £2,000 to £7,500,000.

Money is available for the following funding purposes: Buildings and Renovation, Business Growth, Business Innovation, Overseas Markets Development, Purchasing Equipment, Recruit and Develop Staff and Working Capital.

Money is available for the following business types: Large Business, Medium Business, Micro Business, Research Organisation and Small Business.

Top 10 Funding Opportunities:

New Knowledge and Innovations for Climate-Smart Farming – Connecting Research Stations

The project supported under this topic should contribute to outcomes including the knowledge base of climate-smart farming practices being significantly expanded beyond the state of the art.

Co-Creating Solutions for Soil Health in Living Labs

The projects funded under this topic should contribute to outcomes including increased capacities for participatory, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary R&I across EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries, allowing for effective cooperation and collaboration among research, practice and policy to co-create and test solutions for soil health.

Living Labs in Urban Areas for Healthy Soils

The projects supported under this topic should contribute to outcomes including increased capacities for participatory, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary R&I across EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries, allowing for effective cooperation and collaboration among research, practice and policy to co-create and test solutions for soil health.

Towards a Dynamic Monitoring System to Assess Status and Spatiotemporal Changes of Soil Erosion at European Scale

The project supported under this topic should contribute to outcomes including enhanced knowledge on multi-process soil erosion dynamics across Europe based on a combination of novel computer-based estimates and monitoring activities for better estimation of policy impact.

Development of High Spatial-Resolution Monitoring Approaches and Geographically-Explicit Registry for Carbon Farming

The project or projects supported under this topic should contribute to outcomes including enhancing the confidence of stakeholders (including land managers) in participating in possible carbon farming certification schemes and the attractiveness of the carbon farming business model through better access to information and data regarding soil carbon.

Managing Forest Peatsoils

The project or projects supported under this topic should contribute to outcomes including improved access to knowledge and data on forest peatlands, their management and their role in carbon cycles and societal/economic/environmental values, contributing to the upscaling of carbon farming schemes and their certification under the proposed EU carbon removal certification framework.

Systemic and Cross-Sectoral Solutions for Climate Resilience, Tailored to the Local Needs of Regions and Local Authorities

The projects supported under this topic should contribute to outcomes including regions and communities being empowered and having actively participated to the development and testing of a range of transformative solutions, which are fit to address local vulnerabilities and risks.

Harnessing the Multifunctional Potential of Soil Biodiversity for Healthy Cropping Systems

The projects funded under this topic should contribute to outcomes including enhancing soil and crop health, sustaining crop productivity and food security while promoting the stability and resilience of agriculture and increasing agrobiodiversity.

Soil Health, Pollinators and Key Ecosystem Functions

The projects funded under this topic should contribute to outcomes including improved knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of insect species spending part of their life cycle on or in the soil, with specific focus on ground-nesting pollinators.

Demonstration of Approaches by Regions and Local Authorities Focused on Increasing Climate Resilience of the Most Vulnerable Social Groups (Just Climate Resilience)

The projects supported under this topic should contribute to outcomes including examples of equitable adaptation measures being made available for replication, fostering just resilience transformation.