UK and International Grants Available for Your Business

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This week there are a number of exciting UK small business grants options, highlighting new schemes from the European Institute of Technology (EIT), Innovate UK, International Collaboration Funding, and Tech Funding, empowering you to unlock the finance you need to propel your business to new heights. Here are a few examples of the latest new grants added this week:

1) European Funding – Unleashing the Power of Innovation

The European Institute of Technology (EIT) stands as a beacon of innovation, providing support for manufacturing projects that drive technological advancements and reshape industries. As third-country members of the Horizon Europe programme, UK businesses are eligible to participate in these exciting ventures, fostering collaboration and propelling the frontiers of manufacturing.

i) EIT Manufacturing Accelerate Programme 2023 (December 2023): This program aims to accelerate the development and commercialisation of innovative manufacturing technologies, fostering partnerships between businesses, universities, and research institutions from across the EU and beyond. With a focus on sustainability, resource efficiency, and circular economy principles, this program invites applications from consortiums with a minimum of three partners from different countries. Grants of up to £500,000 are available.

ii) EIT Manufacturing: Empowering SMEs Call: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the manufacturing sector, and this call specifically targets their needs. This initiative empowers SMEs to enhance their innovation capabilities, adopt advanced technologies, and expand into new markets. Grants of up £60,000 are available.

2) Innovate UK Funding – Driving Innovation Across Industries

Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency, consistently unveils new Government grants schemes to support businesses across diverse industries. This week, we’ve identified two particularly noteworthy programs:

i) Transport Decarbonisation Demonstrators: This initiative aims to accelerate the development and deployment of low-carbon transport solutions, addressing the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector in local areas. This program supports projects working with local authorities from around the UK that demonstrate the feasibility and viability of innovative transport technologies. Grants of up to £500,000 are available.

ii) Transforming Cancer Therapeutics: In the fight against cancer, innovation is paramount. This program aims to fund research and development projects that transform cancer therapeutics, leading to more effective and personalised treatments. This initiative supports projects that focus on early-stage drug discovery, novel therapies, and personalised medicine approaches. Grants of up to £2 million are available.

3) International Collaboration – Expanding Horizons Through Partnerships

International collaboration is a cornerstone of innovation and growth. Funding providers regularly offer funding opportunities for core UK industries to partner with overseas counterparts, fostering knowledge exchange, expanding market reach, and broadening horizons.

i) New Landscapes for Fashion, Textiles and Technology: India and UK Open Call: This call seeks to promote innovation and collaboration between the UK and Indian fashion, textiles, and technology sectors. This initiative supports projects that address sustainability challenges, develop new materials and processes, and enhance digitalisation in the fashion industry. Grants of up to £7,000 are available.

ii) Defence and Security Accelerator: Engineering Biology for Defence and Security (Phase 2): Engineering biology holds immense potential for defence and security applications. This funding call from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, jointly partnered by the UK Ministry of Defence and the US Department of Defense, invites applications for projects that explore the use of engineered biological systems for detection, protection, and decontamination purposes. With grants of up to £2 million, this initiative aims to accelerate the development of novel defence and security solutions. Grants of up to £500,000 are available. 

4) Tech Funding – Kickstart Disruptive Technology Ideas

Beyond government grants for small business, a wealth of opportunities exists from local council providers. This week, we highlight one such tech scheme:

Milton Keynes Tech Fund: This fund from Milton Keynes Council provides early-stage start-up technology companies based in the local area, with a focus on companies operating in sectors such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and advanced manufacturing to spend on a service need, such as legal fees, patent applications, marketing or purchasing of equipment. Grants of up to £7,000 are available.

Want the Full Set of New Grants?

If you want the full set of UK grants added this week, please visit