UK Council Funding Opportunities For Business

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As of 1 April 2024 the functions of funding bodies Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) have been transferred back over to local authorities in England. This means that a large amount of local development activity funding that was previously provided by central government to local areas via the LEPs is now being distributed via local councils and as a result there is now an increased amount of funding opportunities available for businesses to access via local councils. There are also other funding opportunities available locally via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund. 

In this blog details will be outlined of the different types of funding businesses can access within their area from their local authorities. The amount of funding and type of funding available varies greatly from council area to council area based on needs assessments carried out locally and also will differ in the devolved nations of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as strategic decisions are made at devolved Government levels in these instances.

What UK Councils Are The Most Supportive Of Small Businesses?

According to research by Dojo, a card payment solution provider for businesses, analysis revealed that there are a number of councils across the UK that provided significant funding for small businesses in 2023.

With the exception of one very supportive council in Scotland, that comes out on top, the next top 15 councils that offer the most funding to small businesses are clustered within the Midlands and South East of England regions. Below are profiles of the top 5 council areas that offer funding for SMEs:

1) Falkirk, Scotland 
Over 12 months in 2023, Falkirk District Council provided a total of £954,000 worth of funding for business support programmes and supported 232 start-ups via their Business Gateway scheme as well as offered a number of other schemes for other more established businesses.

2) Braintree, Essex
Braintree District Council offered small business grants worth £555,877 during the same 2023 period. As well as support for start-ups, the council offered growth hub support and larger grants to help upscale more established small and medium sized businesses.

3) South Oxfordshire
South Oxfordshire District Council dedicated £447,258 for grant and other funding support in the local area and supported a total of 979 businesses. A large amount of the funding made available was via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund.

4) Broadland, Norfolk
Broadland District Council provided £428,000 worth of grant and funding support to businesses over the 2023 period. The funding was primarily provided by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Rural England Prosperity Fund and also a dedicated Business Builder scheme.

5) Wychavon, Worcestershire
Wychavon District Council made available £374,744 in small business grant programmes and supported 16 start-ups to establish their operations in the area. There was also funding available to support apprenticeships, training, investment in equipment and opportunities to expand into overseas markets for more established businesses.

Full details of the Dojo Research Report are available here.

What Types Of Funding Are Available From Local Councils? 

Business Growth and Development Grants
Growth and development grants help businesses expand and thrive within a local area. They provide a boost for companies funding specific projects or initiatives that support different growth goals.

Energy and Net Zero Grants
Business energy efficiency grants help companies slash their energy bills whilst reducing the overall local carbon footprint. Funding is available to support businesses in upgrading to more energy efficient methods of doing business whilst decarbonising to help reach net zero goals. 

Apprenticeship Grants
Funding is available to help smaller businesses create apprenticeship schemes at their company and help pay some of the wages to take on apprentices from the local area.

Skills and Training Grants
Funding to equip staff with new skills and knowledge relevant to their current or future roles. This could involve funding for specific training courses, certifications, or professional development programs.

Building Improvement Grants
Funding to renovate and upgrade an existing building without significantly changing its footprint or overall structure. There is also funding to expand buildings beyond their current size and increase potential functionality.

Shop Front and Retail Improvement Grants
Funding to enhance the exterior and entrance of a retail business to attract customers and improve the overall street presence. There is also funding available to enhance the overall look and feel and functionality of the interior of retail units.

Clean Vehicle Grants
Funding to purchase electric vehicles for organisational use, install charging infrastructure, and promote employee adoption of electric vehicles. This reduces transportation emissions and promotes sustainable mobility and helps businesses support local low emission zones.

Digital Grants
Funding to help businesses go digital and purchase new innovative equipment to enhance productivity and to create new online presence in order to attract new customers.

Marketing Grants
Funding to implement marketing campaigns, advertising and strategies to reach local audiences, build brand awareness, and generate leads or sales.

Recovery Grants
Funding to help businesses recover from unexpected business disruption activities and damage caused by adverse events, such as local flooding or storms.

Start-up Grants
Local funding is available to provide entrepreneurs with seed funding to support carrying out the large number of activities that must be done at an early stage to get a business idea off the ground.

Relocation Grants
Funding to move an organisation or project to a new building or location in a local area or to attract businesses from outside the area to set-up a presence in a town or city.

Innovation Grants
Funding is available to specifically target research and development activities and high risk groundbreaking projects that push the boundaries within an industry sector. Certain local areas have clusters of innovation where businesses from certain high-tech sectors all focus and share ideas.

Recruitment and Job Creation Grants
Funding to directly support the creation of new, permanent positions within a business. This could involve funding salaries, benefits, recruitment costs, or training for new hires within a local area.

Residential Property Grants
Funding to upgrade and improve existing local residential buildings, addressing issues like energy efficiency, accessibility, or structural deficiencies. These will be of particular interest to local landlords and property developers.

Business Accelerators
Local accelerators are set up to assist early-stage and startup companies to grow and become profitable by providing support, mentoring and funding and to help attract other external investment.

Export and International Trade Grants
Funding that can help local businesses carry out international expansion activities and break into new markets overseas and export to Europe and further afield.

Tourism Grants
Funding to boost the local tourism sector in a town or city by helping promoting local businesses within the hospitality sector, attract new visitors to an area and for setting up major cultural events.

Rural Diversification Grants
Funding to support businesses in more rural areas to help set up new business ideas that diversify away from more traditional rural activities, such as agriculture. 

What Are The Latest Funding Opportunities Available From Councils Around The UK?

i) Rural Grant by East Hampshire District Council
This council is providing capital funding worth up to £50,000 for new and existing small businesses to develop new products and services that will help boost the local rural economy in the region and also provide an opportunity to update or convert business premises.

ii) Broxtowe Accelerator by Broxtowe Borough Council
This East Midlands based local business accelerator provides fully funded support for local micro, small and medium sized businesses to get support with training, mentoring and a plan of action to help develop innovative products and services and achieve sustainable growth. This scheme is backed by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

iii) Business Training Programme by Horsham District Council
This council runs a fully funded training programme that supports local businesses by providing a series of workshops aimed at supporting entrepreneurs and business managers in developing their business models to ensure profitability moving forward as well as upskilling them by addressing any skill gaps. This scheme is backed by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

iv) Carbon Action Fund by East Devon District Council
This fund provides capital grants worth up to £50,000 to help local businesses carry out decarbonisation activities at their premises and also reduce or re-use waste during their production processes.

v) Business Innovation Grants by Stafford Borough Council
Grants worth up to £25,000 are available for local small and medium sized businesses who are looking to innovate new products and services or expand into new markets domestically or overseas. Eligible costs include website design, capital equipment purchases, recruitment and training.

vi) Shop Front Grant Scheme by Ipswich Borough Council
Local businesses can apply for grants worth up to £5,000 if they are based at the local shopping parades in Ipswich and improve the visual appearances of their shop fronts.

vii) Digital Boost Grants by Harlow Council
This scheme offers grants worth up to £2,500 and aims to help businesses to adopt digital solutions that will develop or upgrade their digital presence and maximise their reach to potential customers.

Case Studies Where Businesses Received Funding From Councils 

i) Thirteen Northants Businesses Awarded Council Start-up Grants
West and North Northants Councils have awarded 13 different local businesses in the area a start-up grant as part of the Build Your Business Programme. The money comes from a £600,000 funding pot in conjunction with the Business & IP Centre Northamptonshire (BIPC) and mentoring and training for business growth is also provided.

ii) Eight Hampshire Town Businesses Awarded Funding
Havant Borough Council has awarded 8 businesses a share of £140,000 in grants as part of a Waterlooville town centre regeneration plan. The funding allowed independent and small businesses to move into vacant units, including a play cafe, a dog groomers, a bike repair shop and a new entertainment venue.

iii) Caerphilly Pie Shop Awarded Funding
Caerphilly County Borough Council has awarded Hancox’s Pies a grant worth over £37,000 to purchase kitchen equipment and premises expansion activities in support of their growth. The funding was part of the UK Shared Prosperity Funding pot from the local area.

iv) Northumberland Farm Shop Awarded Capital Grant Funding
Advance Northumberland on behalf of the Northumberland County Council has awarded local Brocksbushes Farm a grant as part of its £1.5m Capital Grant Programme for rural business. The farm is using the funding to expand its business premises and plan ahead to allow further growth and expansion in the future. Funding will be available for additional businesses until 2026.

How To Apply For Council Schemes

Full details about how to apply for schemes and the eligibility criteria is available on each individual scheme page on the relevant local council site. Any deadlines, funding amounts or how business support is funded and any required match-funding from businesses will also be outlined on these pages. Interested businesses can speak to funding and support officers based at each local authority who can guide them through requirements and eligibility criteria to see if the relevant funding or support is a match with their needs and help them to apply. There are also application forms and other supporting guidance available on scheme pages as well. 

Want To Find The Latest Council Funding and Support Opportunities?

If you want to see the full set of UK Council funding and support currently available, please visit