How to make AI Skill Learning work for you

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“There’s two types of companies: those who are great at AI and everybody else,” Cuban said. “And you don’t necessarily have to be great at AI to start a company, but at some point, you’re going to have to understand it. It’s just like the early days of PCs. You didn’t have to be good at PCs, but it helped. Then networks, then the internet, then mobile.”



More and more AI commentators are recognizing that acquiring AI Skills is one of the biggest obstacles to adoption and success.

However, mainly this is about highlighting the problem rather than solving it so there is often no pathway to a practical business solution let alone match it to your learning needs!

So, in this week’s Blog we are going to set out the Top Ten Learning Paths and guide you through the best choices for different types of business learner. 


The key benefit point today is that by tailor-making how you want and need to learn there is a far higher chance you will take the first step, stay on course, and start to reap the real productivity benefits from AI.

Skill learning is part of my DNA I’ve always wanted to find the best way for to learn for me instead of being pigeon-holed in a skill straitjacket. 

But until recently that has never been fully possible because we haven’t had the mediums to easily access different types of learning and also the range of providers has also been limited. But now Skill Acquisition has changed dramatically with multiple outlets and methods to choose from adapting to different needs.

So, in practical terms there is no excuse for us not to learn and not to progress our careers, build our businesses or transform our organisations.


Here is a selection of the different ways you will be able to accelerate your learning by matching a solution with your own strength profile:

  1. Attend AI Events – When you enjoy  being in a milieu and learn quickly from the experience of others
  2. Use Mentoring – When you learn quickest 1:1 then mentoring is for you because your faster learning will offset the cost
  3. Buy Some Books – If you are a bibliophile there is no shortage of books now for you to acquire knowledge
  4. Get the AI Feeds – If you are used to getting daily inputs then using AI Feeds will readily match your strengths
  5. Attend Ai Courses – If you enjoy being taught by experts in a less formal way that academic teaching then courses are for you
  6. Become Certified – There are many alternatives to the academic route now so if certification is your thing then choose this
  7. Leverage YouTube – If you like watching and learning from visual media YouTube is flowing with good quality AI Videos
  8. Get a Formal Qualification – The Top Universities, worldwide, are now firmly behind meeting the AI need for degree aficionados
  9. Bring in a Trainer – If you learn fastest in your own environment then bring in a Trainer for your Team or Division
  10. Join a Group – If you like online interaction with like-minded people then there are plenty of AI Groups for you to join


We all know people who attend courses and come back and say that they didn’t learn anything: but highly motivated people are different. They use any setback as an opportunity – an opportunity to find a better way to achieve their goals and to be glad that they didn’t settle for second best.

AI needs to inspire you for you to get the most out of it… so don’t let your mindset hold you back because otherwise you will miss out on the opportunity and potentially be left behind.

One step back is just the forerunner of two steps forward.
