Grants API fine tuning and more AI improvements

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We’re refining our Grants API to provide even more pertinent grant results, tailored to your preferences. Following user feedback, we’ve introduced a couple of new features, including a new function, allSectorSICCodes, which delivers a comprehensive list of SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes and their corresponding industry sectors. This feature empowers users to discover relevant grants based on their clients’ industries, utilizing the widely accepted SIC code standard. Over the next few weeks we’ll be adding more documentation ( on how best to use the Grants API to increase lead generation.

On the AI side, our Grants AI platform is undergoing continuous enhancements, allowing us to swiftly incorporate new query capabilities. For instance, you can request “Show me all the new grants added last week” or “Show me all the grants due to expire in the next 2 months”. Our AI is designed to interpret any user input and return matching grant results, eliminating the need to account for every possible input combination.